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Segerstahl Boris (editor / a cura di), Chernobyl: a policy response study, Springer Verlag, 1991

Segerstahl Boris (editor / a cura di)

Chernobyl: a policy response study

Springer Verlag

Stato di conservazione:

OTTIMO / excellent condition

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€ 28,00

Scheda del libro

Autore Segerstahl Boris (editor / a cura di)
Titolo Chernobyl: a policy response study
Springer Verlag
Anno di pubblicazione 1991
Springer Series on Environmental Management
ISBN / # catalogo 9780387534657
Pagine / contenuti pp. IX, 180
Formato cm 24 x 16
Legatura cart. edit. / hardcover
Note Testi di / texts by Boris Segerstahl, Franz Schonhofer, Laszlo Sztanyk, Paul S. Gray, Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer, Bruna De Marchi, Nicoletta Tessarin, Harry Otway, Marc Poumadere
Stato di conservazione OTTIMO / excellent condition
Prezzo € 28,00

Altre informazioni

Chernobyl: A policy response study reports on how regions, countries and Europe as a continent responded to the Chernobyl accident. The responses of society to traumatic disasters which change the whole pattern of life on a continent for an extended time period are discussed.
"It is highly important to talk about Chernobyl. This accident should not become taboo, an isolated freak occurrence that should never have happened and that should be ignored. Such social amnesia is a risky outcome of the crisis. To reduce this risk, efforts should be made to ask important questions: can we realize all the implications of the accident at Chernobyl? Can we be better prepared for the next occurrence?".
This scientific study is cohauthored by a group of prominent scientists from several European countries, who had as their common goal a wish to give a lucid view of the status of scientifically validated knowledge on the risk responses in Europe after Chernobyl.

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