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Edel Leon, The life of Henry James. Vol. 1: 1843-1889, Penguin, 1977

Edel Leon

The life of Henry James. Vol. 1: 1843-1889


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BUONO, copertina con tracce d'uso e del tempo (piccole sbucciature), dorso privo di segni d'uso, timbro ex libris al frontespizio, tagli ingialliti, interno in ordine

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€ 16,00

Scheda del libro

Autore Edel Leon
Titolo The life of Henry James. Vol. 1: 1843-1889
Anno di pubblicazione 1977
Peregrine Books
ISBN / # catalogo 9780140551174
Pagine / contenuti Pagg. 867
Formato cm 19,8 x 12,9
Legatura Brossura
Stato di conservazione BUONO, copertina con tracce d'uso e del tempo (piccole sbucciature), dorso privo di segni d'uso, timbro ex libris al frontespizio, tagli ingialliti, interno in ordine
Prezzo € 16,00

Altre informazioni

This first volume takes in James's boyhood and youth in New England, the "passionate pilgrimage" to Europe and his life in America and then Europe until 1889. It was at this time that much of his best work was done, including The Portrait of a Lady, The Bostonians and The Princess Casamassima. James was reclutant to open his life to biographers, but Professor Edel, in what amounts to an object-lesson in the art of biography, has masterfully uncovered the life of a man whose contribution, by precept and practise, to English literature was enormous.

(dalla nota dell'editore)



Edizione originale in lingua inglese



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