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Libri in lingua straniera

Articoli da 1 a 10 di 97 totali

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  1. Brooks Terry, The Sword of Shannara Trilogy, Del Rey, 2002
  2. Di Sandenel Pieri (Pietro Pascoli), Poesiis furlanis, Buttazzoni, 1945
  3. Cadel Vittorio, Fueiz di leria e altre poesie, Società Filologica Friulana, 1929
  4. Nardini Emilio, Poesie friulane, Istituto delle Edizioni Accademiche,1934
  5. Plato (Platone), The Republic, Dent & Sons, 1913
  6. Chatman Seymour, The later style of Henry James, Blackwell, 1972
  7. Edel Leon, The life of Henry James. Vol. 1: 1843-1889, Penguin, 1977
  8. Nabokov Vladimir, Nikolay Gogol, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1973
  9. Ruskin John, Praeterita. The Autobiography of John Ruskin, Oxford University Press, 1978
  10. Hewison Robert (a cura di), New Approaches to Ruskin. Thirteen Essays, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981

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